open source
Fast 1D convolution with AVX
Super-fast flat file parsing in C# and Java with a perfect hash function
Goodbye Subversion, you served me well
MathJax, at last a decent way to post maths on the web
Lokad.Cloud vs Lokad.CQRS, tiny insights about the future
Really Simple Monitoring
Fat entities for Table Storage in Lokad.Cloud
Lokad.Translate v1.0 released (and best wishes for 2010)
O/C mapper - object to cloud
Lokad.Cloud - alpha version released
RESX utilities open-sourced
Screwturn powered front-end for your mISV
Iridium r8 released and new website fo Math.NET
ResxEditor reloaded - version 1.2 released
Resx2Word, when simplistic is not enough
A translator-friendly RESX file editor